Coyote Sightings Updated: Apr 5, 2022

To assist in minimizing a potential conflict with a coyote, residents are encouraged to follow the tips provided to minimize interaction with wildlife:

§  Never approach or touch a coyote.

§  Never intentionally feed a coyote.

§  Eliminate all outside food sources, especially pet food.

§  Make sure garbage containers are secured.

§  Clear out wood and brush piles; they are a habitat for mice and may attract coyotes.

§  Do not allow pets to roam free when coyotes are present—consider keeping pets indoors or accompany them outside, especially at night.

§  Never allow your pet to be alone in your yard. Coyotes can jump a 10-foot fence or block wall in one leap.

§  Upon seeing coyotes in your yard or nearby surroundings, first make sure pets are safely in the house. Small dogs and cats are easy prey for coyotes.

§  If you see coyotes around, make loud noises. Shout and yell. Toss small objects to scare them away. 

§  If your garden hose is easily accessible, spray the coyotes with water. Let the coyotes clearly understand they are not welcome in the area.

§  If you happen to come in contact with a coyote remember the acronym SMART:


Make yourself as big and intimidating as possible

Announce! – Yell and make eye contact, but never turn away from a coyote


Teach others the SMART method

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if I see a coyote in my neighborhood?
If you spot a coyote in your neighborhood, stay indoors and ensure that your children and pets are indoors until the coyote has left the area.
How do I respond to a coyote aggression and/or attack?
If you or your pets are approached by an aggressive or fearless coyote, try to frighten it by shouting in a deep voice, waving your arms, tossing objects toward the animal and looking it directly in the eyes. Stand up if you are seated. If you are wearing a coat or vest, spread it open like a cape so that you appear larger. Retreat from the situation by walking slowly backward so that you do not turn your back on the coyote. Report all incidents of coyote aggression or attack to the Southeast Area Animal Control Authority (SEAACA). In the event of an emergency, call 911.
What should I do if a coyote is in my backyard?
Stay in a position of safety inside of your residence and try to frighten the coyote by making noise and shouting in a deep voice. If the coyote remains in your yard, contact SEAACA.
Can Coyotes be relocated?
SEAACA’s Animal Control Officers are prohibited from relocating the coyote without permission from the Department of Fish and Wildlife. SEAACA will assist in the capture of wildlife that is sick, injured or posing a threat to public safety. SEAACA does not trap wildlife that is causing a nuisance. Trapping is not seen as a sustainable, long term solution. The removal of one coyote generally does nothing more than create a void that is filled by another coyote. Additionally, pets and non-targeted wild animals frequently become unintended victims of traps set for coyotes.  
What should I do if my pet is injured by a coyote?
It is the responsibility of the pet owner to ensure that proper medical care is provided for their injured pet. Report all coyote attacks to SEAACA.
How do I keep my pets safe from coyotes?

Cats and dogs should be fed indoors, or if fed outdoors, food dishes should be promptly emptied and removed after pets have eaten. Store pet food indoors or in sealed heavy-duty containers. Use refuse containers that have tight-fitting lids to prevent raccoons, dogs, or coyotes from having access to household garbage. Keep small pets such as cats, rabbits, and small dogs indoors, or if outdoors, keep them within enclosed kennels. Large dogs should be brought inside after dark. Never allow cats or dogs to run free at any time, as they are easy prey. Coyotes that come in contact with domestic animals may transmit diseases; it is important to vaccinate all pets for rabies, distemper, parvovirus, and other diseases, as recommended by a veterinarian.

Because we share the community with wild animals, a coyote sighting should not automatically be considered a cause for concern. Reports of a coyote in distress or causing a threat can be called in to SEAACA at (562) 803-3301.  Emergency situations should always be called in through 9-1-1.

Living with Urban Coyotes